Treated 2007 • Posted 2010 • Updated 2013 & 2015

"Prostate cancer is in my rear view mirror as my wife and I head out on another 'skiing safari' and other adventures this year and for many years to come."

In June of 2006 at the age of 52, I was diagnosed with prostate…

Treated 2012 · Posted 2016

"My prostate cancer was aggressive. I had a rapidly increasing PSA and I was a Gleason 8." Read John Poltere's detailed account of his treatment. This is taken from a talk that he gives to prostate cancer support groups.…

Treated 2007 - Posted 2014 - Updated 2015

"We were so convinced that [proton therapy at Loma Linda] was the right course to take, that my wife joked, 'If you don't want to go there, I'm going to go alone and take your prostate with me!'"

Since my prostate…

Treated 2004 · Posted 2014 · Updated 2015 & 2018

"The procedure was a breeze ... It has been ten years and I feel great."


Treated 2013· Posted 2017

"I've had no side effects and all systems are normal!"

In January of 2013, at the age of 58, I was diagnosed with PCa and from the very beginning knew there had to be alternatives to surgery. I had several friends that immediately chose surgery upon…

Treated 1999 · Posted 1999 · Updated 2013

"As long as I live, I will do everything I can to spread the word about "proton" treatment."

To Whom it may concern:

So many miss out on the best treatment in the world for Prostate Cancer and many other cancers and diseases. A recent article in the May…

Treated 1993 · Posted 2001 · Updated 2008, 2012, 2015 & 2016

Treated 22 years ago, Warren's PSA remains at 0.2

The following was originally posted in 2001 nine years after Warren Johns was treated with protons at Loma Linda. The last paragraph is an update as of March 2008, a full 15 years after his…

Treated 2007 · Posted 2013 · Updated 2015

"As a practicing physician, my colleagues were unfamiliar with proton therapy and strongly urged me to have 'traditional' therapy. However, when I researched my options, it was obvious that the best choice for me was…

Treated 2015 · Posted 2017 · Updated 2018

"As Seventh-day Adventists it was truly affirming for us to hear the 'graduation speeches' of fellow [proton…

Treated 2015 · Posted 2016

In what seemed like no time at all, our “radiation vacation” was over. After some…