Treated 2003 • Posted 2016

"I discovered something interesting along my journey: A number of treatment programs 'hide behind' HIPAA regulations as a means to not provide the names and contact information of former patients who have received that treatment. On the…

Treated 2010 · Posted 2015 · Updated 2019

“The camaraderie among the other patients going through proton treatment and the LLUCC staff was wonderful. Loma Linda’s philosophy, to ‘Make Man Whole’ changed my life. It was not just the treatment—patients were encouraged to pursue a new lifestyle…

Treated 2006 • Posted 2007 • Updated 2011 & 2014 & 2015 & 2020

Allan's "proton graduation" speech:

Note that Allan spells the word, God as "G-d." When we asked why, Allan said, "I use G-d as according to the Jewish religion, we are not supposed to spell out G-d with the 'o'. If we do, then the paper…

Treated 2007 • Posted 2007

We ran a Featured Member Story on Dr. Bernard Hindman in our BOB Tales newsletter, and with Dr. Hindman’s permission, we have posted it on our website as his testimonial. Dr. Hindman is a man of considerable intellect and accomplishment. His story and his rationale for choosing proton therapy should be of great value to recently…

Treated 1999 · Posted 2000

"You are a difficult patient, I don't want to see you again -- don't make another appointment."

Diagnosed with PCa at age 74
Gleason score 8, T3, PSA 24.2
began treatment at age 75

With a PSA of 10.2 (up from 5.6 in 3/98), I had a biopsy and was diagnosed with an aggressive prostate cancer, with a…

Treated 2012 · Posted 2012

"Cancer no longer has to be the destroyer of lives and families. Cancer can bring about the possibility of a life changing experience physically, mentally and spiritually, and of course it can be beaten."

The roots of my journey to Loma Linda began about 35 years ago when I was just 15. One night as my younger brother…

Treated 2006 • Posted 2006

Dr. Klein is a nuclear medicine physician, biochemist and medical researcher. He chose proton therapy after much research and “based on the elegant physics of protons."

I was born in Wisconsin 70 years ago and lived in Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Texas (Air Force) and New York before settling in Pennsylvania…

Treated 2009 - Posted 2012

"The more I studied prostate cancer, the more I felt drawn to proton therapy as my treatment path."

Below is the first full entry from John Stevens' blog titled, "On the Path with Prostate Cancer." He wrote the blog soon after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2009 and in it, he processes the highs and lows of…

Treated 2002 • Posted 2003 

"I was rather stunned by the enormity of the word 'cancer', but felt a certain calmness brought about by a sense that it was very treatable and that this was all part of 'God's Plan' for my life."

My diagnosis of prostate cancer came as no surprise to me, but the timing was not at all anticipated. You see, I was always…

Treated 1994 • Posted 2004 • Updated 2009 

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in May of 1994 at 62 years of age. My PSA was 101.6, and the Gleason score was 6. The Gleason score wasn't too bad, 6 and below indicating a less aggressive cancer. I have since learned that it is a good idea to get at least a second opinion on Gleason as it is a subjective judgment and the…