Treated 2002 • Posted 2008

Howard is a physicist. Here is his response to an individual who made an inquiry about proton therapy:

A reason to select a particular treatment approach for prostate cancer:

Primarily there are two approaches to overcoming prostate cancer where the cancer is still contained in the prostate capsule: 1) surgically…

Husband Robert Treated 2005 · Posted 2012

"We are so thankful that our urologist here in Houston didn't think he could remove all the cancer with an operation back in 2005 — that prompted me, Robert's wife, to do further investigation."

Robert Young, age 66 now, was diagnosed with protstate cancer in the summer of 2005. His Gleason score was 8…

Treated 2009 · Posted 2013 · Updated 2022

"I learned that the list of possible side effects from the urologist's recommended treatments were scary. I could not sleep. I woke Gene up one night and told him, 'I think we should go to Loma Linda.'"

Gene and I returned home September 14, 2009 after 45…

Treated 2012 · Posted 2012

"Cancer no longer has to be the destroyer of lives and families. Cancer can bring about the possibility of a life changing experience physically, mentally and spiritually, and of course it can be beaten."

The roots of my journey to Loma Linda began about 35 years ago when I was just 15. One night as my younger brother…

Treated 1999 · Posted 2000

"You are a difficult patient, I don't want to see you again -- don't make another appointment."

Diagnosed with PCa at age 74
Gleason score 8, T3, PSA 24.2
began treatment at age 75

With a PSA of 10.2 (up from 5.6 in 3/98), I had a biopsy and was diagnosed with an aggressive prostate cancer, with a…

Treated 2002 • Posted 2003 

"I was rather stunned by the enormity of the word 'cancer', but felt a certain calmness brought about by a sense that it was very treatable and that this was all part of 'God's Plan' for my life."

My diagnosis of prostate cancer came as no surprise to me, but the timing was not at all anticipated. You see, I was always…

Treated 2009 - Posted 2012

"The more I studied prostate cancer, the more I felt drawn to proton therapy as my treatment path."

Below is the first full entry from John Stevens' blog titled, "On the Path with Prostate Cancer." He wrote the blog soon after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2009 and in it, he processes the highs and lows of…

Treated 2009 · Posted 2012

"My greatest fear and concern as I explored my treatment options was related to side effects."

I have hesitated to write about my proton experience as it seemed so easy and normal and successful. My prostate cancer was almost a non-event, as there were never any symptoms and hardly any side effects. The discovery of my…

Treated 2011 · Posted 2011 · Updated 2019

"The news (diagnosis) hit hard—like a ton of bricks. If I knew then what I know now, it would have been much easier to deal with."

I was the picture of health—no cancer in the family. And I was leading a clean "California life style." The last thing I expected to hear…

Treated 2012 · Posted 2012

"I was a short twelve hours away from having the seeds procedure ... Not realizing it at the time, I now consider this Divine intervention!"

Having had BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) for some time, I was diagnosed on May 09, 2011 with adenocarcinoma, PSA 8.2 (my doctor did a DRE (digital rectal exam) just prior to…