Treated 2011 · Posted 2014

"It is now two years since I finished proton treatment at LLUCC and my PSA is 0.27 which is .02 lower than six months previously."

My wife graduated from Loma Linda University as a nurse in the 1950s. Since then, she received a newsletter about the happenings at LLUCC. One of those…

Treated 2017 · Posted 2017

"I completed eight weeks of proton therapy on April 21, 2017 and my PSA has already decreased substantially. Throughout my proton treatment, I have had no side effects and I feel great. I am very grateful for the miracle of proton therapy!"

Treated 2005 · Posted 2013 · Updated 2015

"New technologies for accelerating charged particles promise to reduce the cost so much that one day it will be the only reasonable way to treat prostate and other cancers."

I grew up in Mankato,…

Treated 2004 • Posted 2005 • Updated 2008 & 2015

Dr. Hillis is a surgeon. When diagnosed with prostate cancer, he did his homework and chose proton therapy. On September 19, 2005, The Florida Daily News did a feature story on his diagnosis and treatment at Loma Linda.

"I have a very close friend who was…

Treated 1998 · Posted 2002 · Updated 2008 & 2015

"The doctor started off the conversation with, “You have prostate cancer and have one to three years to live. Go home and get your house in order." That was 17 years ago!

In December 1997 my internist called to tell me I had a high PSA and he thought I had an…

Treated 2001 • Posted 2007 • Updated 2012 & 2015

Picture this: You are 87 years old; you are healthy and active; you are diagnosed with prostate cancer; and you are an engineer. What do you do? Watchful waiting? Not Charlie Einsiedler. Today, Charlie is doing just fine. In fact, he just…

Treated 1991 · Posted 2004 · Updated 2006 - 2018

Treated with proton therapy in early 1991, Harold Rabin has been cancer free for 24 years, and with no long term side effects.

This testimonial was written by Bob Marckini following a telephone interview with Harold Rabin in April 2004.

In 1990…

Treated 2009 · Posted 2013 · Updated 2015

"I steadfastly remain convinced that the real gold standard treatment is practiced at…

Treated 2007 • Posted 2010 • Updated 2013 & 2015

"Prostate cancer is in my rear view mirror as my wife and I head out on another 'skiing safari' and other adventures this year and for many years to come."

In June of 2006 at the age of 52, I was diagnosed with prostate…

Treated 2010 · Posted 2015

My story with proton therapy began in 2003 when our friend, Rose, was successfully treated with proton therapy for a melanoma tumor on her optic nerve. My wife and I…