Treated 1994 • Posted 2003 • Updated 2004 and 2009

"It's been 9 years since Proton treatment; my PSA is 0.23; I have no problems urinating and no side effects; the treatment did not render me either impotent or incontinent. "

In 1991, I had an exam in Wenatchee, Washington; the digital exam showed enlargement and some hard spots. The PSA was 4,…

Treated 2009 • Posted 2011

When David's radical prostatectomy failed, he chose proton treatment to go after the cancer cells the surgery had missed. 

Proud to be aboard the Brotherhood. This is an outstanding program. I am a solid believer in the "Proton," and your organization is right on track getting the message out to all those in need. Keep…

Treated 1992 • Posted 2003

Don wrote this 11 years after his proton treatment. At the time of writing, he said "I feel great; I haven't experienced any side effects, and at age 81, I play golf several times a week."

Since my diagnosis was way back in 1991, I had forgotten my Gleason number. People always talked about PSA, which was 18.6 back then…

Treated 1996 • Posted 2003 • Updated 2009

"My PSA has remained at the 0.3 level and I feel just fine."

A short note from one of your newer members but someone who was "beamed" in 1996. In the spring of 1996, while I was living at Tucson Arizona, I was scheduled for Prostate surgery at Mayo, in Scottsdale. I had a PSA of 10.8, a T2c stage, a…

Treated 2003 • Posted 2003 

"The stranger who overheard my conversation with the nurse and told me about Loma Linda and Proton treatment was Ambassador Joseph Verner Reed, Undersecretary General for the United Nations, former proton patient and member of the BOB!"

A rising psa can be dangerous to your health. Anyone with prostate cancer knows…

Treated 2012 • Posted 2016

“[Proton treatment] was "as advertised" - painless and with minimal side effects.”

I’m playing golf with my brother this Sunday. It's my 64th birthday. This birthday - and any birthday, really - is meaningful in many ways. First of all, I am above ground! I am about 4.5 years post…

Treated 2013 • Posted 2017 

"... I found the physics behind the proton technology fascinating: The Bragg Peak radiation theory, the cyclotron physics, and the beam steering technology ... Amazing!"

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January 2013. My PSA tests were elevated for two years prior to this,…

Treated 2013 · Posted 2016

I visited my urologist for my annual checkup. A week later, he called to say that my PSA was in the normal range, but he was…

Treated 2012 • Posted 2017

“I have nothing but positive things to say about the entire procedure.” 

I was 71 years old and my PSA had jumped a bit so my General Practitioner sent me to a local urologist in Vero Beach, Florida, who performed the common 12 hollow needle cuts.

Only one of the cuts showed cancer, however, the cancer was found…

Treated 2006 • Posted 2006 • Updated 2009

Like many of our members, Steve's initial treatment for prostate cancer was surgery. When his cancer returned, he chose proton therapy for salvage treatment.

Following is an email sent to me by Steven Hodgdon, a former surgery patient whose cancer had returned. He chose proton therapy at Loma Linda for…