Treated 1996 • Posted 2003 • Updated 2009

"My PSA has remained at the 0.3 level and I feel just fine."

A short note from one of your newer members but someone who was "beamed" in 1996. In the spring of 1996, while I was living at Tucson Arizona, I was scheduled for Prostate surgery at Mayo, in Scottsdale. I had a PSA of 10.8, a T2c stage, a Gleason Score of 7 and biopsy confirmation of cancer throughout my Prostate.

My surgery was scheduled for a Tuesday. On the preceding Thursday, I played golf with a neighbor whose neighbor was Fred Mills, a co-developer of the Loma Linda machinery for Proton treatment. At that time Loma Linda was the only place in the world with such facilities. Anyhow this fellow told me about the Proton process and I immediately canceled the surgery and visited Loma Linda for scheduling. I was somewhat familiar with Loma Linda University and Medical Center, as my son had obtained his Dental degree there before the Proton facility was established.

I am now 74 years old and went thru the treatment process without any significant side affects, just needed some extra sleep toward the end. After returning home and catching up on some extra sleep I returned to my usual several rounds of Golf every week along with volunteer Police patrol activities several times a week as well.

It has now been 7 years since my treatment. My PSA has remained at the 0.3 level and I feel just fine.

My heartfelt THANKS to that wonderful institution at Loma Linda.

Homer Lamborn - Redding, California


Update January 2009

It is now 12 years since my proton therapy for prostate cancer. My most recent PSA was 0.26 and I remain free of any side effects from my treatment. I cannot say enough about Loma Linda and proton treatment.

Homer Lamborn