Treated 2000 · Posted 2001 · Updated 2008
“I completed proton treatment in June of 2000. My current PSA is 0.3 and I have experienced no side effects from treatment.”
My name is Sid Shanks. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in December of 1999 at 63 years of age. My numbers were PSA 6.8, Gleason 7 and T1 tumor. I completed Proton treatment in June of 2000. My current PSA is 0.3 and I have experienced no side effects from treatment. My insurance carrier, Starmark paid all the medical costs, no questions asked. If you would like to communicate with me directly, you can page me at 217-261-0510 or email me at [email protected].
Update 2008:
To this day, now in his mid-seventies, Sid remains active in his pizza business. He has hired his youngest son, Mark, and his oldest grandson, Jason, to work as separate store managers. He and his wife just celebrated 57 years of marriage and 42 years of pizza-making. Together they have five children, 16 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. In his spare time, Sid enjoys fishing—so much so, that he often comes home with too many fish. “I often give bluegill fillets to neighbors and church patrons.”
Sid says, “Life is great. My PSA is 0.2—13 years after my proton treatment. It’s been an amazing ride—the Lord has blessed me many thousands of times more than I deserve.”